General teaching topics

Using the fingerboard attachment also leads to questions that are not necessarily a specific technical problem, but rather touch on general issues of teaching.

Reflective approach

There are observations that children and adolescents (refers to pupils who have been playing for some time) are much more reflective with the fingerboard attachment than younger ones, but the younger ones are partly more unbiased.

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We share this observation. There seem to be neither advantages nor disadvantages. The moment reflective practice begins (which can vary greatly), the conscious use of the fingerboard attachment can also be learned. If the basic handling has been practised before, so much the better. We have even had the experience that the young people sometimes come up with ideas that we ourselves have not yet thought of. Those are the special moments when they come to class and simply demonstrate what they have tried out at home. A reflective approach is wonderful! As teachers, however, we also have the task of accompanying those who are not yet practicing independently and reflectively. Here, it can be advantageous to involve the parents and show them, how to attach the ResoundingFingerboard and what exactly the child should do at home.

Group composition

There are reports that already existing groups (we currently know of four examples) had to be separated because one suddenly developed faster (in three cases it was the "slower" pupil) and the other did not want to use the fingerboard attachment.

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We do not know the individual children better and therefore cannot say anything specifically about their constellations. But it is very good to know that this can happen. We have not observed this ourselves yet. In the sense that each child should be supported in the best possible way, one can then also separate a group and perhaps also enable individual lessons. Whether one uses and supports such developments is up to each individual. However, we would say that one should not stop anyone just because others develop differently than expected. Solutions should always be found.

Teacher vs parents

Sometimes we are told that there isn't the willingness of parents to buy their children a fingerboard attachment. This is also due to the high purchase costs, but also because they think that their children cannot handle it or would simply not use it.

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This is understandable, especially when we consider how difficult the months of the pandemic were for many. And it is not  easy at all to explain why one needs such a "helper" all of a sudden (after all, it was possible without it until now). We think: It really is an enormous advantage, but you shouldn't force anyone or put too much pressure on them. Sometimes, however, grandparents help or it becomes a Christmas, Easter or birthday present. It is said that there have even been children who continue to use their old smartphone for a longer time and then get a fingerboard attachment for it.

But maybe there are ways to organise it anyway. We have compiled everything we know so far:

  • Some teachers have an extra attachment for their pupils in addition to their own. The pupils can then use this in class. Recommendation: Since the feeling of grasping with a fingerboard attachment lasts for a long time, it is advisable to use this opportunity to practise how to restore this feeling at any time. In our experience, this always works better if you practise it, and in the end this is the best way: you are on stage and can retrieve exactly this feeling when needed! CAUTION: Pay attention to the care/cleaning of the attachments.
  • There are teachers who initiate that parents get together and the children then take turns to take the attachment home. We hear this especially in group lessons. There are also reports of how the children then show each other in the next lesson exactly what they have done at home and they then make sure that the other one(s) do the same. Furthermore, it is reported in this context that it can also be of great advantage not to always have access to it (it remains something special).
  • Schools/music schools increasingly have "school sets" for their pupils. Teachers have access to them (on loan) and use them alternately. It has proven organisationally useful if the set has different colours.

Pupil refuses

It is reported that there are pupils who strictly refuse to use the attachment. This refers to both, those who have tried it and those who have not. Interestingly, there are no reasons given for this.

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The most important thing is not to force anyone to use it. Why one refuses on principle without having tried it can only be known by the person himself. That is something we can simply respect. If someone has tried it and then refuses, we should also respect that. We also know this from rare examples, but rather from adults than from children or young people. We ourselves can say that sometimes there are days when it is easier for us to practise with the fingerboard attachment than on other days. And it can also be that it simply doesn't fit for one or the other.