Course terms
Area of application
The course conditions apply to all courses, workshops, workshops and further training courses conducted by ema in presence (Musikstudio Rhein-Neckar) as well as to workshops and events conducted online or hybrid (Music studio Online).
Registration must always be made in writing. To do so, please fill out the online registration form and follow the instructions to submit it.
After your registration, you will receive a written confirmation by email about the receipt of your registration. Places are limited and will therefore be allocated after receipt
[For music courses such as music workshops, chamber music courses, music camps and chamber music workshops (Musikstudio Rhein-Neckar) the following applies: The complete course fee must be transferred four weeks before the course begins.
>For further education courses on individual topics at the Musikstudio Rhein-Neckar, the following applies: The fee must be paid at least 5 days before the start of the course.
[For the workshops online (Musikstudio online) the following applies: The cost contribution must be transferred up to 3 days before the start.
Account details
... for Musikfreizeit, Kammermusikkurs, Kammermusikwerkstatt
The account details will be communicated separately.
... for all other workshops and trainings
Dietz&Hohage GbR
Purpose: "Name + date (beginning) of the course"
Triodos Bank TRODDEF1XXX
IBAN DE48 5003 1000 1046 6430 00
Alternative payment method:
Paypal me: Alternatively, you can simply pay with PayPal via the following link. Please do not forget your name and start date:
Accomodation/Meals are organised as describes in the invitation to tender.
For courses with accomodation(see tender) accommodation and meals for the duration of the course are included in the course price.
For courses without accomodation(see tender)meals are included for the duration of the course, unless they are explicitly excluded in the tender.
Course fees
The amount of the specific course fee for each course, each workshop, each event must be taken from the invitation to tender. These are always all-inclusive prices. It is not possible to list individual items. No partial refund can be made if the full programme is not taken up. The participation fee does not include instrument insurance!
Statement of consent
With his/her registration, the course participant agrees that his/her data may be used for the organisation of the course. The organiser is not permitted to pass on this data to third parties. The organiser has the right to take and use photos and recordings of all kinds for his own purposes (advertising measures, programmes). If someone does not want to be in pictures or moving images, he/she can make this known in advance. The organiser will then ensure that this person is not recognisable. Furthermore, the organiser will ensure that the quality of the photos and moving images is high and that the persons depicted are appropriately staged. The current
privacy policy regulations apply.
>Music camps, Chamber music courses, Music workshops, chamber music Workshops (Musikstudio Rhein-Neckar): Those who withdraw their registration at least six weeks before the start of the course are obliged to pay a processing fee of 50 euros. In the case of a later withdrawal, the full course fees must be paid unless an equivalent replacement can be found.
>Advanced training, workshops on specific topics (Musikstudio Rhein-Neckar): Those who withdraw their registration no later than 6 days before the start are obliged to pay a processing fee of 25 euros. In the case of a later withdrawal, the full course fees must be Paid unless a replacement can be found.
>Musikstudio online: Cancellation is possible free of charge up to 3 days before the event. After that, the full course fees will be charged, unless a replacement can be found.
Place of jurisdiction
Place of jurisdiction is Mannheim (Germany).
The European Commission provides a platform for online Dispute Resolution (OS) which yo can find here
We are willing to participate in an out-of.court arbitration procedure before a consumer arbitration board.
Mannheim, 1st August 2023