Just doing it!

Combining the sense and fun of practising with performance

Doing, trying out, changing: this is how many of our projects can be characterized. We are often confronted with questions that allow us to experiment.

Erdmute Maria Hohage und Angelika S. Dietz
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What we focus on

We also resort to objects that grab our attention, when experimenting. We use them in our own practice and teaching. We are by no means systematic in doing this. Sometimes it takes hours or even months to find a new path. Often it is a small helper or a "distraction" that can be caused by another object, or the use of materials that help us to relax while practicing at the same time. Just as intensively as we work with "helpers", we also work without them, constantly looking for when and where they are useful or simply superfluous.

Sharing - by and for musicians

"Helpers" are not always wise to use. However, sometimes they even prevent exactly what they were made for. Realizing this has helped us to really only focus on what brings about improvements to many players or teachers.

Here we present ideas that you can simply try out, as well as the necessary >>helper<< and, if necessary, further information. Substantial and more complex topics that we publish ourselves or of which we gain knowledge we link.

Some of the ideas also make it into our >>workshops<<, which we offer for small groups.


All just boring?

Yes, probably at first glance. What could be the reason for that? Probably mainly because of two things:

  1. on the one hand, many of our topics are often referred to by the unattractive term "healthy", which is often associated with "having to do without something".
  2. on the other hand, that there have been great musicians for many decades and yet everything goes as well as one has learnt it

On second glance, it likes to be exciting rather than boring, as we are now hearing more and more often. What could be the reason for that?

  1. "Healthier" does not necessarily mean having to give up something: we just sometimes block ourselves by our assumptions.
  2. It is very hard work to become and stay good at your instrument, and sometimes you have to leave the beaten track and try something new.

And you still have to abstain!

Our experience is that one actually has to seriously renounce one single thing: the "just-as-it-is".

We are currently working on this

Pizzicato left hand

The demand for a detailed and step-by-step introduction for real beginners is increasing. They want a booklet with exercises that can be done every day. We have decided to offer something here soon and hope to be ready by the next school year.


Following the publication of a comprehensive work on learning and practising arm vibrato [ISBN 978-3-00-068280-3], we are working on an overview that will provide brief and compact guidance on which exercises can be used to remedy which problems. It is expected to be ready in July 2022.


Rhythm learning can be directly linked to complex instrumental technical challenges. We are currently working out how to effectively link rhythm practice/learning with the playing techniques of the high strings. A first comprehensive contribution is contained in the booklet "Pizzicato World". Now we are working on ideas for the piano.