Beginners´ lessons: Music right from the start

There is not the ‘one’ starting lesson. Teachers around the world use a variety of methods and approaches to teach their instrument very successfully to many people of all ages. This is admirable and remarkable. We have set ourselves the goal of always relating our findings and experiences to the initial lessons and asking ourselves how these can be meaningfully integrated. As our aim is not to establish a ‘method of our own’ or similar, but to see our added value in supplementary and independent services, we have founded the Make music series, which is intended to gradually bring out materials for beginners' lessons. For us, beginners' lessons do not necessarily have to be for particularly young people.


For teachers

We would like to give you the opportunity to familiarise yourself with our publications free of charge. Please keep an eye out for them as you explore our results!

Happy browsing


You can explore our findings through both publications and events. To make this easier, we've created a dedicated series called Make Music. Even when events aren't tied to a specific publication, they offer exclusive, unpublished content.

Make music

Below you will find all publications that relate directly to beginners' lessons. In order to reach as many beginners as possible, we want to add more languages in the future.

Cover Make music. Tuneful from day one - violin Make music. Tuneful from day one - violin




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Cover Make music. Tuneful from day one - viola Make music. Tuneful from day one - viola




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Cover Make music. Tuneful from day one - viola Make music. Tuneful from day one - cello




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Cover Make music. Klangvoll von Anfang an - Geige Make music. Klangvoll von Anfang an - Geige




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Cover Make music. Klangvoll von Anfang an - Bratsche Make music. Klangvoll von Anfang an - Bratsche




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Cover von Make music. Klangvoll von Anfang an - Cello Make music. Klangvoll von Anfang an - Cello




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