Upload the song

Use the form below to send your child's composition to ema Musik. After you have filled in the necessary information and uploaded the attachment (pdf), proceed as follows:
The quality of the upload is checked by ema so that the piece is clearly visible afterwards.
If we have any questions, we will contact you by e-mail at the e-mail address you provided.
If everything is in order, the piece will be published on the website at the next opportunity. We will inform you by e-mail.
It is a great opportunity for the children to have their own pieces seen by many others. At the same time, a song can also be a great motivation for others to write something themselves. Nevertheless, it is important to clarify a few formal matters in advance. We have included these in the form below. We strive to implement a simple and transparent procedure. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at any time.

Please read the following declaration carefully and then confirm that you agree with them.

The copyright to this piece naturally remains with your child. By submitting the piece, you merely give ema Musik the right to make it visible to the public on its website. The further publication of the piece can be revoked in writing at any time and with effect for the future. Please inform ema Musik of this in writing to info@ema-Musik.eu. ema will then remove the piece from the website. This is how we make the submitted pieces visible: The piece will be shown as an image, in the case of several pages this will be several photos directly one after the other. We provide the piece with the following information: First name, age, country. Data protection applies.

Please confirm*