Positive side effects with the fingerboard attachment

Besides making it easier to develop a vibrato, build up left hand technique, trill, increase fluency, etc., there are a number of "side effects" that come from using it. In our experience, these are related to the fact that it becomes easier to let go or relax. There are also observations on this.

Side effect: fun of changing positions

There is the observation that children who find changing positions difficult develop fun in playing changing positions.

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We have also made this observation and are trying to find out exactly what the reason could be. So far, however, we can only say this much: it is not clear! We suspect that there are different factors and currently see three main ones:

  1. the change of the finger pressure
  2. orientation skill
  3. Being allowed to do things differently

The latter will probably never be confirmed, because it cannot be measured and is highly subjective. We derive this factor from students' statements. The change in finger pressure (1) can be better observed, because very often the fear of changing positions is paired with a particularly firm grip and/or the insufficiently developed ability to let go. With regard to orientation ability (2), it must be added that this cannot really be measured either, but according to our observations it improves rapidly in those who combine the left-hand pizzicato as a practicing technique with the fingerboard attachment.

Side effect: Relaxed arms and shoulders

It is described that the shoulders in particular relax when using the fingerboard attachment. This is expressed in the fact that pupils who tend to play with their shoulders raised have their shoulders lowered during and immediately after playing. You also notice that the arms become looser.

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We share these observations, but they are not limited to young people. It is also true for adults. However, we cannot yet explain with certainty why this is so, but we are very grateful for this effect because it helps us all a lot. In our experience, not all effects always coincide in one person, although this often happens. We often observe that the right side (arm, shoulder, finger) also relaxes.